May 24

Become a Conflict Mediator in your Business

May 24, 2019
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Become a Conflict Mediator in your Business These skills will help you solve problems without having to go to court Having a good idea for a business is not the only thing you need for success. Nor does having a solid company ensure that you won’t have conflicts that can impact your brand’s image and reputation. That’s why, if you’re developing an idea for a business, or if you’re the owner of a small or medium-sized business, or you just want to make your company more secure, consider conflict mediation as a key part of your operation. Things won’t always be a bed of roses. In the process of achieving your goals, differences will almost certainly arise. If the conflict goes on for very long, workers may lose their focus and an atmosphere of tension and stress may be created. That’s where the qualities of a mediator can be very useful. “The mediator’s role is not to determine who’s right and who’s wrong,” explains Maritza Soto-García, president of Organization Consulting Group. “It’s to find the core, the nucleus of the conflict and help the parties resolve it.” A mediator, according to Soto-García and also to Mediation International, must have these qualities:
  1. Be impartial
  2. Not judge the parties involved
  3. Respect confidentiality
  4. Have control of his or her emotions
  5. Work collaboratively
  6. Listen carefully to all the arguments
The advantages that conflict mediation offers your business Mediation should be the first step used during conflict resolution, as it represents an attempt to keep the problem from escalating and affecting productivity. Likewise, effective mediation seeks to ensure that all the parties involved leave satisfied. When problems spiral out of the business’s control, the corporate image can be affected, trust in the brand can erode, commercial relationships can be broken, and the reputation of the parties involved can be damaged. That is why Soto-García emphasizes that mediation is an extremely beneficial tool, as it helps arrive at a rapid and cost-effective solution to a problem. Although mediation techniques can be used by the company’s human resources staff, if the conflict is between a managerial person and an employee, Soto-García suggests that the company looks for mediation services of a third party, outside the business, as that brings objectivity and confidentiality to the process. In that sort of case, management should stay on the sidelines, remembering that the process is between the parties in conflict. “Today, more than ever, it’s important that organizations seek ways to resolve their conflicts quickly,” Soto-García says. Banco Popular of Puerto Rico (“Popular”) is not affiliated nor related to the individuals or entities mentioned in this article. This article is for informative purposes only, and does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of its accuracy. Neither Popular nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or related entities are, nor might be held liable for any special, direct, or indirect, damages, resulting from reliance on the information contained in this article, which Popular did not prepare. Popular provides financial services) and does not provide the type of service referenced in this article. If you need any related service, you should request the advice of the competent professional of your preference.