Feb 04

Techniques for Increasing Sales

February 04, 2016
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Techniques for Increasing Sales Learn what you can do to improve your sales. The field of sales has evolved and become more specialized. From the appearance and projection to knowledge and strategies, a salesperson is put to test every time he or she extends a hand to a customer to begin the presentation of a service or product. The truth is that expertise in any job goes hand-to-hand with a process of learning and discipline. Being a salesperson can be one of your best skills, as long as you know how to increase your sales volume. To help you improve your strategies, Milena Sagramoso, vice president of Retail Credit Sales Management at Banco Popular, shares some effective and intelligent sales techniques. A good salesperson...
  1. Asks the right questions, but above all knows how to listen. Many times, what the customers or prospects say is key to identifying their needs and fulfilling them.
  2. Knows everything about the product they are trying to sell.
  3. Creates a network of referrals among relatives, friends and colleagues.
  4. Keeps in calendar important dates such as customers’ birthdays and other similar anniversaries. They are perfect times to get in contact with a customers and keep open lines of communication.
  5. Identifies the means of communication that is best for contacting the customer (text messages, e-mail, telephone, social media, and others).
  6. Makes follow-up calls to ensure the product or service is working.
  7. Anticipates and prioritizes the customer’s needs and works to solve them.
  8. Establishes clear goals and reviews them periodically.
  9. Establishes and communicates clear goals for the team and monitors them individually.
  10. Delineates incentive plans that promote sales and periodically reviews customers’ needs.
  11. Becomes a facilitator and is sure to offer fast and timely responses and decisions.
  12. Motivates his or her team. Promotes the professional growth and education of the sales force through sales training
  13. Leads his or her team to be part of the process for creating sales strategies.
As a final piece of advice, Sagramoso urged salespersons and business owners not to be discouraged by the economic outlook of the island while going somewhere out for sales. “I believe that challenging situations brings opportunities. Companies cannot stand by idly and say that things are not going well. People have their own things to worry about and life is too complicated that as a sales person, you have to be there for the customer and listen,” Sagramoso concluded. Maybe they need the product or service you are eager to offer. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of accuracy or applicability for any particular purpose. Neither Popular nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or related companies is or will be responsible for any special, direct, or indirect harm stemming from the information contained in this article. Should you require further information or guidance on the subject of this article, you should always seek the advice of the competent professional of your choice. BrandShare2ENG