Oct 27
Develop a Successful Business Plan
October 27, 2015

- An executive summary: This section should concisely tie together the customer and the idea of the company, its offerings, and the objectives you want to achieve. Additionally, you should outline the business’ competitive advantage and how it is going to succeed. “People like to know there is a passion behind your business,” Montañez said.
- Market analysis: It is important to define clearly the company’s offering and who is the market, how big it is, and what is its growth. Additionally, this section should identify the competition, what they offer and how, and what are the opportunities and threats in the market. This study will lead you to define your competitive advantage, how you are different from the competition, and what percentage of the market you expect to capture.
- Business model: The entrepreneur should explain how he or she is going to execute the business idea, how it will generate income and how it will be promoted to capture the estimated number of customers. This exercise will help to anticipate possible obstacles, identify risks and define operational issues such as hours of operation, organizational structure, and needed resources. “One of the most common errors is that we are too optimistic, that nothing is going to go wrong [...] If the bank sees that you are being cautious, that makes us feel more secure when evaluating your business for financing,” she added.
- Team: It is important to be able to find a good working team. In this section, the entrepreneur should identify who will make up the team, what their skills are and how they will contribute to the company’s success. This exercise can help define roles on the team and goals for each of those roles.
- Financial plan: Under this point, the entrepreneur defines the business’ sources of income and operational expenses. This exercise will help the entrepreneur understand the business’ potential earnings, identify the necessary initial investment and how long it will take to recover it. Finally, the entrepreneur will validate the financial viability of the idea.