Tips that will help you have a great job interview
Going through an interview can be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be if you’re prepared. Doing your homework will let the interviewers know that you are interested in the position. That’s why we give you these helpful suggestions.
- Get rid of negative thoughts and be confident. To do that, analyze your aptitudes, experiences, and studies. You can also make a list of areas where you can improve and figure out how you can get better. This will show professional maturity on your end, and it will let the interviewer know more about your personal goals.
- Research the company interviewing you. Get to know its history, philosophy, achievements, and other details that can help you. You should also get to know its competition and the economic landscape of its industry. This will help the interviewer understand your interest on the company and see you as a good strategic thinker.
- Use the job opening’s description as a guide. It will give you valuable information about what’s expected of the person to be eventually hired. Knowing exactly what they seek and what that entails will help you direct your efforts to meet the interviewer’s expectations.
- Get to know the company’s culture, and make sure you share the same values. Let the interviewer know that you are aware of the company’s culture and that you are confident that it’s consistent with your own values as an individual.
- Make a list of possible questions you might get asked and be ready to answer them. Nerves often get the best of us, so planning your responses ahead of time can help you feel extra confident. It can also help you be more strategic and come up with smarter answers. Some of these questions can be: Why are you interested in this position? What has been your most gratifying job experience? Why did you study what you studied? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you a good team player?
- The great majority of employers look up social media profiles before interviewing candidates. You need to be very careful with the content you share on social media.
- Choose a person you admire in your industry and explain why. This way your interviewer can have an idea about the kind of professional you are and about how you see yourself in the future.
- You can bring visual aids that represent your short-term and long-term goals. Show that you have strategies and solutions for your professional life. You can make a table of your goals for the next three, six, and twelve months. It can be fun, make sure to showcase your personality.
- Get there in time, preferably 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment. Employers greatly appreciate punctuality.
- Dress appropriately for the occasion. Your physical appearance says a lot about you.
- Watch out for the details. For example: Greet and address the interviewer formally. Use proper language. Don’t interrupt and pay attention to everything. Maintain eye contact. This shows interest and confidence.
- Once the interview is over, don’t forget to send a thank-you note. If possible, send a handwritten letter. This shows you took the extra time and effort to do something special beyond a simple email message.
These are just some basic suggestions that Banco Popular’s Human Resources team takes into consideration when recruiting. But, without a doubt, preparation is the key to achieving your goal. For other tips about your future and about your finances, keep up with our posts.