Sep 26

Make Your Business Profile Stand Out on LinkedIn

September 26, 2023
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Make Your Business Profile Stand Out on LinkedIn By: Contáctica Being on LinkedIn, the most important professional social network to date, is like having a virtual marketing executive at your service 24/7. Discover how to use the platform to create brand recognition, a good reputation, and make all the connections you need to grow your business. Your business on LinkedIn: Make it relevant LinkedIn is the place to be, no matter what. And whether you are self-employed or have a small business, it all starts with a good profile. If there is one thing that’s great about joining LinkedIn, which has 200 million users in the United States alone, it’s that it offers a free system of education and strategies to get the most out of your participation. But, to save you a little time, we’ll share some basic tips for step number one: creating a profile that captures the attention of your current and future customers. Here is an infographic with tips for self-employed workers: infografia 5 tips to optimize LinkedIn However, if you are a business owner, it’s essential that you create a LinkedIn Company Page, which allows you to publish ad campaigns. In that case, use your business logo as the featured photo. Complete the About section with information on the company's history, mission, and vision. On this page you can also share job offers. Connect with companies and potential customers As with any social network, the purpose of being on it is to connect with others, but in this case, with the people and companies that will help you grow. You should prioritize the people, groups, and entities related to your industry; the prominent and valuable players within the field in which you operate. Use the search function to find influential professionals and experts in your field. If you are self-employed, take advantage of connection requests; personalize them by explaining why you want to connect and how you can provide mutual value. Consider that actively participating in groups related to your industry pays good dividends: it makes you more visible, allowing you to create more connections with like-minded professionals. LinkedIn offers the ability to participate in virtual events and conferences related to your field. Join them, network with other attendees, and take advantage of the opportunity to learn and share knowledge. Always stay up-to-date You must have read it before, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again: it’s vital that your self-employment profile stays up-to-date. Here are some key pieces of information you should review periodically:
  • Your education and work experience – Do you have new educational achievements or work experiences? Make your profile reflect it immediately. This way, you disclose your constant professional progress and show your interest in staying relevant.
  • Skills and competencies –As you acquire new attractive and desirable skills in your industry, add them to your profile. This makes it easier for you to be discovered by those looking for professionals with your specific skills.
Additionally, it’s important that you share interesting professional content. Here are some ideas:
  • Educational articles you wrote– Set aside a little time to prepare short writings on topics related to your area of expertise and share them on your profile. A simple example? Lists of advice for your prospective customers. Lists should include three or five tips (always use odd numbers). Likewise, you can post updates and brief thoughts on topics relevant to the economic sector in which you participate.
  • Your comments in a group – Identify and join groups or professional associations related to your industry. Actively participate in discussions, commenting on other people’s posts and sharing your perspective.
  • Curated, dedicated content – Share links to articles of interest (always from reliable sources), relevant reports or studies, and useful resources related to your field. When you do, always include a brief comment or your perspective.
LinkedIn Company Page If instead of being self-employed you own a business, remember to review the content of your corporate page frequently. Update relevant numbers and add new achievements, products, and services Also, take advantage of LinkedIn Ads and promotional campaigns to reach a specific audience. Here are some of the options available:
  1. Text and display ads – Use them to promote your profile, products, or services directly to your target audience. Define segmentation parameters to reach the right professionals.
  2. Sponsored content – You can sponsor relevant content such as articles or publications to increase their visibility and reach a broader audience. This helps generate interest and attract valuable connections.
  3. Sponsored messages – LinkedIn also offers the option of sending sponsored messages to specific members, but use this feature with caution. Personalize your messages to avoid communications that the recipient may consider invasive.
Also, consider making other types of publications so your company won’t fall off people’s radar. In a structured manner, you can share valuable and quality content that makes the presence of your business shine on the Internet. You have obtained the essential information to create a LinkedIn professional personal profile or business page. Now, to develop strategies for creating B2B connections and reaching potential customers, read this article. Banco Popular de Puerto Rico (“Popular”) has no affiliation or relationship with the people or entities mentioned in this article. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of its accuracy. Neither Popular nor its affiliates, subsidiaries or related companies are, nor will they be liable for any special damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the information contained in this article, which was not prepared by Popular. Popular is dedicated to providing financial services and is not dedicated (directly or indirectly) to providing services related to this content. If you require any related service, you must request advice from a competent professional of your choice.